Commissions add up, taxes are a
big drag margin ain’t cheap.

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Lorem lipsum

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“My team in Eileithyia have a great ability to translate complex ideas into simple and elegant schemes”

samantah burg & jessica bright




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  • Sara Curran
    Sara Curran Accountant
  • Alex Neil
    Alex Neil Accountant
  • Christine taylor
    Christine taylor Accountant


  • I couldn't be happier working with Akram and the team. I thought marketing to schools was relationship only... I never thought we could reach schools with email. In the first 10 days, we won a contract worth $56,000! Looking forward to what lies ahead!

    Anderson Moodie
    Anderson Moodie Owner of Easy Digital
  • A full service digital marketing service that offers end to end marketing automation solutions... that has not only increased our visibility, but has increased our inbound lead generation by over 300%.

    Sydney Petrovic
    Sydney Petrovic Founder and Director - Wealth and Inspire
  • Through Six Flow Media's team we learned the true value of proper social media management and the value that can be added directly to your bottom line through; target marketing, custom campaigns, and attention to detail that is unmatched. is responsible for our revived social media presence and sales. Their talent and technique is worth every penny!

    Peter Blazyck
    Peter Blazyck Owner of Digitally Fit
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